il Moscato da tre generazioni

L’amore per la propria terra, il rispetto dei tempi della natura,
un territorio unico per vini unici

The story of Azienda Agricola Piero Gatti starts at the beginning of XX century when Piero’s grandparentsplanted the first vineyards in Santo Stefano Belbo, on the Moncucco hill, the best zone for the Moscato growing .
Since then the winery has continually grown in the respect of traditions and values transmitted from generation to generation.

The modern winery was founded in 1988 by Piero Gatti and his wife Rita, who started using the isobaric technology forbottling moscato and brachetto. The innovations in cellar, however, go hand in hand with the traditional maintenance of the growing techniques in vineyards, with only organic fertilizers and without herbicides. Also the harvest is still today hand made and the production has never followed the “fashion demands”, which would have caused a general flattening and standardization of the products.

At the end of the ninties, Piero decides that the DOCG Moscato d’Astidoesn’t fit in his winery. The regulations about the harvest don’t let him start at the right time for his south-facing vineyards. As a result, he chooses to produce Piemonte DOC wines to ensure to his customers the high quality he was looking for. He acquires other vineyards where he grows, besides moscato and brachetto, also Furmentin, a piedmonteseautochthonous vine, also called “Vermetino di Cossano Belbo”.

vendemmia a mano Azienda Agricola Piero Gatti Moscato
produzione moscato passito langhe Piero Gatti
la vendemmia tradizionale a mano Langhe Piero Gatti Moscato
produzione moscato passito langhe Piero Gatti
vendemmia a mano Azienda Agricola Piero Gatti Moscato

Since 2000 the administration of the winery turns from Rita to Barbara – respectively Piero’s wife and daughter – for one of the first italian winery completely run by women.

New ideas are introduced and in 2019 Barbara starts using the screw caps on request ofthe foreign market. Barbara Gatti Gatti wisely leads the winery without forgetting the teachings of her parents and grandparents, above all on the intransigence on quality.

Barbara Gatti titolare dell'azienda vinicola Piero Gatti produzione di moscato Langhe a Santo Stefano Belbo

Today the winery is still growing and, with its about 7 hectares of vineyards mainly in Santo Stefano Belbo, Cossano Belbo and Nizza Monferrato, produces wines which are appreciated both in Italy and abroad. (The moscato can be founded in renowned restaurants, also Michelin starred, and historical pastry shops). Th winery today exports its wines in different countries of the world: mainly Netherlands, Denmark, Mexico, Japan and Australia.

The story of a family, the story a wine, the story which follows….

Barbara Gatti

Dal 2000 la gestione dell’azienda passa man mano da Rita a Barbara – rispettivamente moglie e figlia di Piero – per una delle prime aziende vinicole italiane totalmente “al femminile”.

Le novità non si fanno mancare e Barbara nel 2019 introduce anche il tappo a vite su richiesta del mercato estero. Barbara Gatti conduce sapientemente l’azienda senza dimenticare mai gli insegnamenti dei genitori e dei nonni, soprattutto sull’intransigenza per la qualità.

Oggi l’azienda continua a crescere e, con i suoi circa 7 ettari tra Santo Stefano Belbo, Cossano Belbo e Nizza Monferrato, produce vini apprezzati sia in Italia – il Moscato è presente nelle carte dei vini di molti rinomati ristoranti, anche 3 Stelle Michelin, e storiche pasticcerie – che all’estero. L’Azienda oggi esporta i propri vini in mezzo mondo: Olanda, Danimarca, Messico, Giappone e Australia.

La Storia di una famiglia, la storia di un vino, la storia che continua…

Barbara Gatti titolare dell'azienda vinicola Piero Gatti produzione di moscato Langhe a Santo Stefano Belbo

Barbara Gatti


Santo Stefano Belbo – Langhe

Cossano Belbo – Langhe

Nizza Monferrato – Asti